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BUS 130 (Horner)


IBISWorld Market Research Reports (Industry Report, Risk Report)

  1. search by company, industry, country, or keyword
  2. includes company and industry profiles, market share reports, financial reports, etc.

Business Insights: Global Includes statistical data sources, case studies, news articles, trade journals, academic journals

Newsstream (fka National Newspapers): New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal

  1. Search keywords: mobile grooming

Regional Business News (EBSCO) Full-text of nearly 100 regional U.S. and Canadian business publications.

Business Source Premier (EBSCO) Full-text of 1000 business publications; includes company & industry profiles, country & market research reports.

DEMOGRAPHICS (Cities, Counties, States, Zip Codes)

SANDAG's Data Surfer (San Diego Association of Governments): Accurate census, estimates, and forecast information and reports 

  1. How to Use: Data Surfer --> Get Started Now --> Source Type - Estimate --> Year/Series - 2016 --> Geograhy Type - Jurisdiction (if you want a specific CITY) OR MSA (if you want NORTH COUNTY WEST

U.S. Census Bureau Quick Facts Statistics for all states and counties and for cities and towns with a population of 5000 or more

  1. How to Use: Search by state, county, city, town or zip code --> Select a fact


U.S. Census: American Fact Finder Demographics:

  1. by age, sex:
  2. by household income
  3. by race:


Book of Lists 2016 by San Diego Business Journal
Call Number: Ref HF 3161 .C2 S33 2016
1 copy 2016 OCN Ref, 1 copy SEC Ref