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ART 158 (Cluff) FA24

Art 158 Assignment

Library Databases

Library databases give you access to credible, reliable, and peer-reviewed information. Use them to find:

  1. Quality Information: All resources are vetted by experts.
  2. Narrow Search Options: You can filter by subject, publication type, and date to find exactly what you need.
  3. Access to Full-Text Articles: Many databases offer full access to articles that aren't free on the web."

Source Types

This video provides an overview of the distinguishing characteristics of popular and scholarly sources.


This video provides a quick breakdown of a scholarly journal, and how to read one so you can extract the information you need!

Key Terms

To find information on your topic in a database, you'll need to come up with key terms. 

Key questions: Who is the artist? What is the cultural or societal significance of the piece? What historical period does it belong to?

General Keywords:
  • African ceremonial masks
  • African ritual masks
  • African mask-making
  • African tribal masks
  • African indigenous art
  • African sculpture masks
  • African performance masks
Culture-Specific Keywords:
  • Yoruba masks
  • Dogon masks
  • Igbo masks
  • Bambara masks
  • Mende masks (Sande Society)
  • Pende masks
  • Fang masks
  • Chokwe masks
  • Mossi masks
  • Dan masks (Côte d'Ivoire)
Historical and Cultural Context Keywords:
  • Symbolism AND African masks
  • African religious beliefs AND masks
  • Colonial impact AND African mask traditions
  • African art AND cosmology
  • Masks AND African oral traditions
  • Cultural significance AND African masks
  • Masks AND social hierarchy in African societies
Artistic Techniques Keywords:
  • African wood carving
  • African mask design
  • Mask materials Africa (wood, cloth, metal)
  • African mask painting AND decoration
Influence of Artform Keywords:
  • Influence AND African masks AND Western art
  • Cultural preservation AND African mask traditions
  • Contemporary African mask-making

Now that you have a list of key terms to describe your topic, combine them and enter them into the database or search bar to find results!

For example: African wood carving AND Yoruba mask

Tip: Once you find a good source, make sure you email it and use the citation tool to save some time

Suggested Databases Demos

Suggested Databases

Explore museum websites!