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Info 2: Research Process

What?! More Stress!

Something Simple

Starting with the Internet is NOT necessarily a bad move. Often the information we find there is correct or good enough to answer our question, but sometimes the information is misleading, out of date, or just plain wrong.

Even when the information is correct, it often won't be adequate for the kinds of papers and projects your professors require of you in college. You may need scholarly resources, with citations and bibliographies. These are often research, or evidence-based articles. 

  1. But how do you go about finding these resources? 
  2. How do you dive into researching for the things you need without banging your head along the way?
  3. How do you minimize the stress? 
  4. How can you save time researching when you're already taking four other classes, working 50 hours a week, and have kids to take care of?

One simple solution is to understand the research process--the steps you should take to get what you need and get on with your life. 


Google Fire Hydrant

When Google unleashes 500,000 hits on your topic, can you find the five that will really set your paper apart?

Photo Credit: Cambodia4kidsorg. Slide24. CC-BY 2.0. Retrieved from Flickr and adapted 4/27/2012

What about you?

How do you start your research?

What about you?
I go straight to Google.: 245 votes (69.8%)
I actually hit my library's resources.: 62 votes (17.66%)
Never had to do a research assignment.: 9 votes (2.56%)
Ask a librarian.: 17 votes (4.84%)
Get my friends to do it.: 8 votes (2.28%)
I don't have an answer.: 10 votes (2.85%)
Total Votes: 351