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NUTR 100 (Meinhold)

NUTR 100 (Meinhold)

Steven's Schedule

On sabbatical until January 2025. For research help  LIVE CHAT  from the library homepage or call/email/text the Library.

Live Chat 24/7

Sample chat questions:

  1. Can you help me find information on the health benefits of keto?
  2. Where would I find an evidence-based article about the affects of celery juice on fibromyalgia?
  3. Do my APA citations on my References page and in-text (parenthetical references) look correct?
  4. Are my MLA in-text citations and on my Works Cited page correct?

Research Suggestions

EBSCOhost: All Databases


Health & Nutrition Databases

Advanced Google Search

  1. Use quotation marks around 2-3 words to do a phrase search ("effects of keto", "benefits of melatonin")
  2. Add site:gov, site:org, or site:edu to limit your search to specific web domains
  3. You can combine these two strategies ("effects of keto" site:gov)

Google Scholar

  1. You can use phrase searching to find scientific journal articles in Google Scholar ("effects of keto")
  2. If you get to a pay wall (asking for you to pay) simply request the article (FOR FREE) from the MiraCosta Library. Click on ILL Article Request here: