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ART 159 (Carrubba)

ART 159 (Carrubba)

Steven's Schedule

On sabbatical until January 2025. For research help  LIVE CHAT  from the library homepage or call/email/text the Library.

Live Chat 24/7

Sample chat questions:

  1. Can you help me find a scholarly article on Incan pottery?
  2. Which database can I use to find eBooks about Mesoamerican Art?
  3. Do my MLA in-text and Works Cited citations look correct?

Research Suggestions

Images & Links to Museums

ARTSTOR - Mesoamerican Art

  • Images with helpful descriptive info for pieces and attribution to museum owning the piece. You may be able to find more information about a specific piece on the home museum's website!!

Scholarly Articles




  1. You can search random words like kingship Inca
  2. You can use phrase searching with quotation marks like "kingship in Mesoamerica"
  3. Use our MLA guide to correctly cite sources, Live Chat for citation help from librarians!
  4. If you get to a pay wall (asking for you to pay) simply request the article (FOR FREE) from the MiraCosta Library. Click on ILL Article Request here: