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CHLD 210 (Welch-Scalco) SP25


Welcome Video

Welcome CHLD 210!

I'm here to support you with your research.

Questions? Email Stacey at svonwinckelmann@miracosta.edu

Database Search Tips

  • Spelling counts! Not seeing many results? Double-check your spelling.
  • Try "Phrase Searching" - Place quotation marks around keywords you want to keep together.
    • Example: "child development"
  • Use AND to link keywords so each result contains all of the words.
    • Example: homelessness AND "child behavior"
  • Think about how experts in the field would phrase the concepts you're researching and try those words in your search.
Keyword searching is not an exact science and you may need to experiment with different combinations to find the best ones.

Gale Ebooks


Childcare Exchange


Play Equity/Disparity Articles